


澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Robert A Taylor教授应邀来我校交流合作

发布时间:2024年09月30日 编辑: 访问量:

9月29日,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学机械与制造工程学院副院长RobertA Taylor教授应邀访问我校土木工程学院。上午在土木楼213会议室,学院副院长郝小礼教授和建环系教师代表与Robert A Taylor教授就我院学科建设、科研项目合作和研究生联合培养等几个方面交换了意见。郝小礼教授代表学院给Robert A Taylor教授颁发了讲座教授聘书。

图1 为Robert A Taylor教授颁发讲座教授聘书

Robert A Taylor教授下午在立志楼B3-1多功能报告厅做题为“Harness that heat! Maximising rooftop solar harvesting with PV/T technologies”的学术报告。郝小礼副院长主持会议,建环系教师、研究生和本科生代表等100余师生到场聆听了报告。

图2 Robert A Taylor教授做报告

图3 Robert A Taylor教授做报告

在学术报告会上,Robert A Taylor教授介绍了他多年来在纳米流体强化换热领域的部分研究成果,分享了团队在太阳能光伏/光热一体化技术方面的创新技术探索和研究成果,为参加报告的师生深入剖析了太阳能分频光伏/光热利用领域的前沿技术和热点问题。Robert A Taylor教授的报告深入浅出,报告内容启发和拓宽了同学们的研究思路和学术视野,师生对感兴趣的内容与Robert A Taylor教授进行了热烈的交流和讨论。

图4 Robert A Taylor教授与师生交流和讨论

图5 Robert A Taylor教授与师生交流和讨论

附:Robert A Taylor教授简介:

Robert A Taylor is a Professor and the Deputy Head of School (Research) in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, and president of Early Career Academic Committee at the University of New South Wales, in Sydney, Australia. Prof. Robert A Taylor has published over 200 peer-reviewed journal papers and over 100 conference papers. He has received support from over 20 projects including the Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, Australian Research Council Linkage Project Grant, and AIPS Young Tall Poppy Award. His main research interest is in the development of ‘next generation’ solar and thermal energy systems. Drawing on the fields of heat transfer and nanotechnology, he is researching new/novel components, fluids, materials, and systems to increase the utilisation of solar energy in society. As such, his main goal is to provide a more efficient and more economic coupling between solar energy and useful thermal and/or electrical energy.

供稿:刘仙萍  一审:杜美辰  二审:陈笑  三审:万文